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Silvia Montevecchi

Jisei no ku #17

 /  100 x 70 cm
Photography /

Technique: Photographic digital print


"In the form of dew may it spread over the grasses this body of mine.” These verses belong to the Japanese tradition of the “jisei no ku”, poems expressing a farewell to the world by samurai, monks and poets who, sensing the approach of death, wished to write their last words. This self-portrait and the project to which it belongs take inspiration by the verses to build a fantastic world, beyond time and reality, a world in which death is a moment of suspension, a step towards the unknown.

photography self-portrait poetry landscape

€ 861

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Milan: upon appointment
Piazza Sant'Ambrogio, 16, 20123
Milan MI - Italy
c/o Confimprese
Phone +39 02 8901 3233